Communication and Touch
Touch is a baby's first language, and is the first sense to develop in the womb. Loving touch and stimulation is necessary for healthy physical and mental development. Communication plays a fundamental role
in development and initial communication
is massively tactile. Touch establishes
a strong relationship and this essential non-verbal communication will lead to verbal communication.
Frequent eye contact and conversation about anything and everything, as well
as loving touch, will help babies brains
and their ability to talk. Eye to eye contact
is touching at a distance.
The International Association of Infant Massage is a global not for profit organisation whose purpose is to promote positive nurturing touch through training, education and research.
Hello is the national year of communication a campaign to increase understanding of how important it is for children and young people to develop good communication skills. The campaign is run by The Communication Trust, a coalition of over 35 leading voluntary sector organisations, in partnership with Jean Gross, the Governments Communication Champion. It is backed by the Department for Education and supported by BT.
Hello aims to make communication for all children and young people a priority in homes and schools across the UK so that they can live life to the full.
Please visit the website for information on how you can help improve the communication skills of children and young people and to sign up for regular updates. You can also follow the campaign on Twitter and facebook.
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