Set to Sign
Baby Signing has become more and more popular, and the number of resources to support babies who sign has grown. But what about older children who use sign language? What resources are available for them?
Until now, very little, but accompanying
a new series of books to help children deal
with things for the 'First Time' are sets of
British Sign Language cards that illustrate
key vocabulary. In an extension from the
popular Child's Play Baby Signing resources,
the cards cover more advanced vocabulary,
including feelings and prepositions -
concepts that are notoriously hard for
children with hearing impairments to grasp.
Children with hearing impairments often
struggle with literacy, and using books
that feature BSL signs and images of
Deaf/hearing impaired children can
be one way of improving the situation.
But these resources are not only for Deaf/hearing impaired children.
Using sign language with all children results in increased concentration,
improved behaviour, and improved spelling and literacy. The use of sign
language is becoming more common in nurseries and schools and is even
highlighted in the EYFS guidance.
Child's Play is already the market leader in Baby Signing resources
and has gained the support of organisations such as the NDCS
and Deaf Parenting UK as well as Baby Signing classes across the country.
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