Getting Started

  • Introduce only three or four signs to start with. The most successful seem to be milk, eat, more and bed.
  • Use certain signs before an event to enable your child to anticipate
    it (i.e. bath, nappy).
  • Repetition is important. Your baby will not sign to you immediately
    but will recognise signs.
  • Be patient and don't get frustrated. Signing should be a fun part
    of your everyday interaction.
  • Your child's signs may differ from yours. Don't worry; the signs
    will evolve, just like speech.
  • Facial expression is important and will help your baby to understand
    the sign.
  • There may be signs that your child will never make but will still
    understand perfectly.
  • Use the signs in context. The first aim is for your child to make
    a connection between the sign and what it represents.
  • Only sign key words, don't try to sign a whole sentence.
  • Always say the word when you sign, never sign in silence.
  • Introduce signs that have a particular interest for your child.
  • Have fun!

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